Wren's Community Shop is a community run store, working on a purely volunteer basis
Payment methods
We accept cash, cards, (sorry, we don’t take American Express), 'phone and watch contactless or cheques made out to EKCSA Ltd (East Knoyle Community Shop Association Ltd)
Why not open an account with us?
You can open an account with us quickly and easily by completing the application form and crediting your account with a minimum of £50.
Your shopping can then be put on your account which we prefer you to keep in credit. However, if it does go into debit then you will be required to pay it off either at the end of the calendar month or when it reaches £100 debit, whichever happens first.
If your account is in debit you cannot charge Post Office items to it. Post Office items are:
Accounts can be credited via cash, card, cheque or BACS.