
Wren's Community Shop is a community run store, working on a purely volunteer basis


Arial view of East Knoyle

Arial view of East Knoyle

Our Services

We provide a number of services to the village in order to help our community and reduce environmental impacts.

Prescription Service

Our volunteer drivers collect prescriptions from Hindon Surgery and bring them back to Wren's on Mondays and Thursdays. This service is for those who are exempt from paying for their prescriptions or who pre-pay their prescriptions. (NB: If you pay for your prescriptions as you receive them, then you will still need to go in person to the surgery to collect them.) Any prescriptions which have not been collected from Wren's within one week will be returned to Hindon Surgery.

Customer Orders

We do take customer orders for items if you want to be sure of getting what you need for that BBQ, Sunday dinner or special event.

We also make up and deliver orders to customers if they are unable, perhaps through shielding or illness, to get to the shop in person.

Please either telephone your order through or email it to us


Adverts can be placed on one of the two boards outside the shop at a charge of 25p per week or £1 per month.

The board by the front door is for advertising local events (which should be no larger than A5 size) and local business services (which should be no larger than A6/postcard size).

The board under the bus shelter is for larger notices covering local events, non-local events and business services/advertisements

The Parish Magazine and Village Newsletter, flyers for local community services, local exhibitions, concerts etc can be placed on the Post Office counter with permission from the Post Mistress.

Tickets for Local Events

We are an outlet for ticket sales for local events. Please enquire in the shop if you would like to use this facility.